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Past Speakers partial list

Mark Anderson - The Nature Conservancy

Maya Angelou - Poet

Peter Bergen - Journalist

Julian Bond - Social Activist

T. Berry Brazelton, MD - Pediatrician

Christine Brennan - Sport Commentator for USA Today

David Broder - Journalist

Doris Buffett - Philanthropist

Ward Carroll - Author

Brig. General Rhonda Cornum, MD - Health Sciences Physician

Daryl Davis - Musician, Actor and Author

Ossie Davis - Actor

Morris Dees - Legal Counselor and Author

Frank Deford - Sportswriter

Charles “Lefty” Dreisell - College Basketball Coach

Patty Duke - Actress

Dr. Bart Ehrman – Scholar and Author

Len Elmore - Athlete & Sportscaster

Susan Eisenhower - Consultant and Author

Rev. Bob Evans - Author and Astronomer

Rowland Evans - Journalist

James Exum, NC Chief Justice

Dr. William Friday - President UNC School System

David Gergen - Political Commentator

Newt Gingrich - US Representative

Arun Ghandi - Author and Activist

Dan Glickman - US Secretary of Agriculture

Dr. Jane Goodall - Primatologist

Joe and Terry Graedon - Authors 

Jack Hanna – Wildlife Expert

Dickson "Doc" Hendley - CNN Hero

Bob Inglis - former Republican Congressman

Daniel Inouye - U. S. Senator

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Environmental Activist

James Kilpatrick - Journalist

Dr. James Leutze - Chancellor UNC-W

Jeb Magruder - Political Operative

Michael Mann - Distinguished Professor and Author

Dr. David Maxwell - Psychologist

James “Bud” McFarlene - National Security Advisor

George McGovern - U.S. Senator

Burley Mitchell - NC Supreme Court Justice

Ralph Nader - ACLU Activist

Jack Nicklaus - Professional Golfer

Robert and Phyllis Oakley - Diplomatic Troubleshooter and Asst. Secretary of State

Sandra Day O’Connor - US Supreme Court Justice

Leon Panetta - former Secretary of Defense

Bob Phillips - N.C. Common Cause

Diane Rehm - Radio Personality and Author

General Sidney Shachnow - Holocaust Survivor and US Army Major General

General Hugh Shelton - Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

Mark Shields - Political Commentator 

Alan Simpson - US Senator

Nicholas Sparks - Novelist

Bishop John Shelby Spong - Author

Jake Sullivan – Deputy Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State

Tom Wicker - Journalist

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